relentless (*scs) 11 of 12 parts

(SCS*) = SocialCurrentSee

▶ This and related stories are amplified by @ltaloman in today’s

The roughly 70 billion that will transfer to Mackenzie #Bezos at the final divorce decree is enough to do the following:

Spending: If you had 70 billion dollars, you could buy 2,333,333 cars at $30,000/each or 350,000 houses at $200,000/each.

Travel: If you were to travel 70 billion miles, you could fly around the world 2,811,132 times or take a round trip to the moon 146,505 times.

Savings: If you could save $100,000/year, it would take you 700,000 years to save 70 billion dollars. If you could save $10,000 every single day, then it would only take you 19,178 years to save 70 billion.

Giving: With 70 billion dollars, you could afford to give every man, woman, and child in Canada $1,944.44.

Living: If you could live for 70 billion minutes, you would live until you were 133,181 years old. (SOURCE)

But the #Bezos/Tuttle families, friends, and the curious world will have to wait to see what Mackenzie does with her billions. Her charitable interests come to mind. She founded the anti-bullying organization Bystander Revolution and serves as executive director of that group today. But if you follow the SocialCurrentSee® of these times, you know billionaire Jeff takes much skepticism about his current philanthropy. 

Not exactly a nonprofit or charitable organization, Bystander Revolution is an advocacy website offering practical, crowdsourced advice about simple things individuals can do to defuse bullying and help shift the culture. No matter who you are or what you’re facing, you can find personal stories, suggestions, and encouragement from someone who has dealt with a similar issue. Search by problem or solution to find tips from people who have been targets, people who have been bystanders, and even people who have bullied. 

As she contemplates her new-found, personal wealth, Mackenzie may consider moving Bystander Revolution to the status of a chartered nonprofit. The group is not now listed on either or, the two primary NPO rating organizations.

Polly-Vous Francais?

We all know that AMAZON is an international enterprise with a significant interest in France, Europe, and beyond. Here is the French version of a BEZOS Story of the PrimeInfidelity matter.

Mackenzie has not far to go to research launching a successful nonprofit. Like Jeff, she can make a call to neighbors Bill and Melinda Gates.

 The largest charitable foundation in the world is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation at $51.6 billion (SOURCE @ link) 

 Harvard University has the largest endowment among educational institutions at $36 billion (SOURCE @ link)

 According to the National Council of Nonprofits (NPOs) this USA economic sector (aka, the Third Sector) generates $166.3 billion in economic activity every year with $63.8 billion in annual spending by organizations and an additional $102.5 billion in event-related spending by their audiences.

What’s next for Mackenzie Bezos? Freelancer Molly Brown offer: “after spending more than a couple decades in Jeff’s shadow, and hopefully what she does is for the better public good. She obviously loves literature and writing so it would be outstanding to see her start an organization that promotes something related to that, especially for underserved people around the world.” 

Throughout history, Mackenzie is the only published novelist married for 25 years to the most wealthy man on earth. Perhaps like Jeff, who was self-effacing about his wealth status, claiming that he was content as the #2 most wealthy, Mackenzie hasn’t shared much about her former status or her current one, for that matter.

▶ This and related stories are amplified by @ltaloman in today’s

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12